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Petsville® Blog

  • Jun 21 2018

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    The Power of Prevention

    northshoreala |

    As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. That’s just as true when it comes to the well-being of your pet. Learn how to help your pets live long and healthy lives with regular medical exams, proper vaccinations and preventatives.

  • Jun 20 2018

    July is Parasite Awareness Month

    northshoreala |

    During the month of July, the Veterinary Team at our Pet Health Centers is offering a special promotion to make sure your pet is safe from intestinal parasites. For a limited time, receive 10% off fecal testing, and $5 off intestinal parasite dewormer. 

  • May 22 2018

    Summer Safety Tips

    northshoreala |

    The official start to the summer is upon us and this “fun in the sun” season also happens to bring with it some hazards – especially for our pets.

  • Apr 24 2018

    May is Pet Allergy Awareness Month

    northshoreala |

    Dogs and Cats often experience allergies to pollen, grasses, dust, and mold just as humans do. During the month of May, when you schedule an allergy exam at our Pet Health Centers you’ll save on the following tests and treatments to help your pet get back to enjoying the spring season.

  • Mar 05 2018

    March is Special Diagnostic Lab Work Awareness Month

    northshoreala |

      Your pet’s health needs sometimes extend beyond basic examinations and blood screening. When disorders of the endocrine system or specific organs are suspected, more specialized tests can shed light…