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Animal Veterinary Ultrasound

At North Shore Animal League America, our Pet Health Center offers veterinary ultrasound services for cats and dogs. Abdominal ultrasounds are performed by a general practitioner at NSALA. Echocardiograms are performed by a board-certified cardiologist. Ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves into the body to create a real-time image of your cat’s or dog’s internal organs. Ultrasound is the best, non-invasive, non-painful way to evaluate soft tissue organs in pets, including the liver, spleen, lymph nodes, kidneys, intestinal tract, and reproductive organs.


An echocardiogram is an ultrasound image of the heart and associated large blood vessels. It is considered the best test for the diagnosis of heart disease. Ultrasound waves are considered safe. Ultrasound can diagnose problems early, can lead to more successful treatment outcomes, and can diagnose medical conditions.

Schedule Your Pet’s Examination Today

If your pet requires an ultrasound, please schedule an appointment at North Shore Animal League’s Pet Health Center today. Results are reported the same day for abdominal ultrasounds and within a few days for echocardiograms. Pets should have no food or water from 10pm the night prior to your appointment. Call us today at 516-883-2000 to schedule an appointment.