We are open every day as outlined below.
Sometimes illness may erupt at a less than ideal time. Should you need veterinary advice after hours we are pleased to offer telehealth services through VetTriage. This is an alternative to an immediate trip to an emergency facility where costs can accumulate quickly. You will be connected to a veterinarian who can advise on if your pet require s a visit to a 24-hour emergency facility. If it is decided your pet can wait for an appointment at our Pet Health Centers during normal business hours, you will be provided home care instructions. Sessions are $50.* No video capabilities? No problem! Call 1-800-940-1921
*Please be advised that NSALA will not reimburse the $50 fee through VetTriage nor any fees incurred at other facilities.
If your pet requires a trip to a 24 hour emergency facility, we recommend:
Veterinary Referral & Emergency Center of Westbury
609-5 Cantiague Rock Road
Westbury, NY 11590
Main: (516) 420-0000
Fax: (516) 420-0122
The Animal Medical Center
510 East 62nd Street
New York, NY 10065
(212) 329-8890